
BlueZone has a proud history of subsea and harsh environment engineering excellence dating back to the early 1980s.

Let the experience of our in house engineering team assist you quickly and cost-effectively, to take your requirement from the concept stage to operational reality. BlueZone’s on time, on budget and in accordance with our ISO 9001 accredited quality assurance program.

Our focus is on engineering for the subsea environment and our experience in this application can benefit if you have a demanding requirement for electronic systems in any type of harsh environment.

Contact BlueZone for a confidential discussion on your next project requirements.

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March 2015 Clever Buoy Stage 1 demonstration at Bondi Beach. There was an enthusiastic response from the lifeguard community to the development of new technology to assist in improving public safety.

Supplier Relationships

BlueZone has long term relationships with leading global suppliers. These suppliers are at the forefront of research and development, through the introduction of new and innovative systems to the market. Our long term relationships, mean that we follow the development in supplier labs and we know/ understand the new technology as it is introduced into the market. Our engineers and technicians are amongst the first to be trained in support of the new systems. Strong communication links with supplier engineering development teams, meaning we can source new and innovative ideas for applying technology.

We have the depth of understanding and communication with engineering development teams, ensuring that fielded systems are set to work and have the function and performance to meet the requirements of the most demanding customers.

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BlueZone applies strong project management skills to ensure that complex projects, which require multiple components supplies, hardware engineering, software engineering, manufacture, assembly, test and set-to-work are delivered on time and on budget.


Contact BlueZone for a confidential discussion on your next project requirements.

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